Should I Shave My Head Or Get A Hair Transplant?
I am a 29 year old male, and I have been losing my hair since my early 20’s. I have been considering getting a hair transplant, but my friends and family think I should shave my head. What should I do?
Whether you should shave your head or have a hair transplant is a question you have to answer yourself, but we can lay-out the pros and cons of shaving and undergoing surgical hair restoration. Male pattern baldness is a tough pill to swallow, waking up and seeing hair on your pillow and seeing your precious hair follicles down the shower drain is disheartening.
Hair Transplants Are Not A Cure
That said, surgical hair restoration does not cure hair loss. The biggest mistake young men make when choosing to have a hair transplant, is believing that surgery is the answer to all of their problems. While yes, hair transplantation is the most effective treatment for genetic hair loss; it will not stop you from losing more hair.
Shaving Your Head Is It Worth It?
Shaving your head is a cost-effective solution to genetic hair loss. There aren’t many cons associated with shaving your head. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there are standards of beauty observed in every society. In western culture, there is a standard of beauty, which has never been so evident before in history. Now, social media has taken over life for the majority of people, especially young adults. To say that having a shaved head is better than having hair would be misrepresentation in our opinion.
Attractiveness, looks, and appeal are all subjective. But I think that we can all agree that few and far in between look better with a shaved head than they do with hair. Hair loss today is a choice; most men and women can restore their hair if they select the right surgeon. Styles change, fashion changes, and those who have hair can change their appearance and express themselves through various hairstyles. Shaving your head limits your style.
If you have a hair transplant, you have to treat your hair loss first with medications such as Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). Both of these medications were synergistically to prevent, slow, and in for some stop hair loss entirely. You don’t want to chase your hair loss with hair transplant procedures. Shaving your head requires no additional treatments or costs, something to consider.
February 20, 2020 @ 7:54 pm
Yes, minoxidil and biotin can make your hair grow faster.
February 19, 2020 @ 1:38 am
Is there anything that can make my hair grow faster?