When FUE May or May Not Be a Suitable Option
Much has been written regarding the pros and cons of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) compared to Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). The allure of the FUE hair transplant is the lack of a linear scar resulting in the possible ability to cut the hair much shorter or perhaps even shave the head in the future if the patient so desires. For some men, this single benefit far outweighs the risk of lower yield and the added costs involved.
So, how much coverage can you get from FUE? What level on the Norwood scale is too high? As with all aspects of surgical hair restoration, there are many factors that come into play.
After his FUE procedure of 1,000 follicular unit grafts to the hairline, forum member “CHB81” started the thread, Complete Coverage with FUE Possible?, in order to learn if the low density he experienced is common and if a second FUE will help him achieve his hair restoration goals. Join the discussion to learn more and add your comments.
David – aka TakingThePlunge
Assistant Publisher and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum
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Technorati Tags: Follicular Unit Extraction, Follicular Unit Transplantation, FUT, FUE, hair transplant, hair restoration, follicular unit grafts
August 15, 2010 @ 8:28 am
I specialize in Fue and has done over 400 cases of Fue and 200 of strip. Certainly much larger number of grafts is possible in one session of strip, hence more coverage. However,with Fue specialist, up to 4000 grafts can be performed on suitable candidates in one 2 days session.
On the other hand, find doing multiple small sessions have much faster recovery and less risk of shock loss. The final coverage can still be very good.
Regarding what level of Norwood classification is too high, the answer is depending on what result will the patient be happy. Some of my patients are suffering from Norwood 7 and are very happy just to restore the hairline which will give them a younger look already. Also, fue allow for body hair transplant, so the follicles from the scalp can be used for the frontal area, the body hair can give the crown a reasonable coverage.