Viviscal Review: Scam or Credible Hair Loss Treatment?
Viviscal hair loss treatment boasts of being able to stop hair loss and grow new, thicker and fuller hair in both men and women with thinning hair. But does this product really deliver on its promise of new hair growth? Is Viviscal a scam or a credible hair loss treatment?
To learn what world class hair restoration physicians are saying about Viviscal and its active ingredient AminoMar C™, read our detailed product review, “Viviscal Hair Loss Treatment Product Review – Can it Really Promote New Hair Growth?“.
Are you one of the many balding men and women worldwide seeking a natural alternative to proven medical hair loss treatments like Rogaine (minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) due to the fear of potentially harmful side effects? While there may be no harm in adding Viviscal to your treatment regimen, men and women considering this hair loss treatments should be aware that Viviscal claims to reverse hair loss due to stress, poor nutrition and other health related ailments rather than genetic balding.
Visit our online product shop to view and purchase credible hair loss treatments for genetic baldness at some of the lowest prices online.
Always consult your doctor before starting any medical hair loss treatment.
David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog. To share ideas with other hair loss sufferers visit the hair loss forum and social community
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Technorati Tags: thinning hair, hair growth, scam, hair loss treatment, AminoMar C, product review, balding, hair loss treatments, Rogaine, minoxidil, Propecia, finasteride, hair loss treatments, balding
July 22, 2013 @ 8:31 am
It is all marketing, if it was working that well, dermatologists and health professionals would have been aware about it which is far from being the case, at least in Europe.
They use “celebrities” giving them a sales % to promote the product. Plus if you listen to the company’s speech, they are hair specialist….. The company, lifes2good distributes other products which are not related with hair loss issues but with one common point, sales.
Viviscal is “only” a food supplement, a healthy diet offers same chances of success, saving money.
February 29, 2012 @ 3:25 pm
Rogaine Foam,
I agree, but all non-surgical hair loss treatments are limited as to what they can accomplish. Whether or not Viviscal can stop or reverse hair loss due to non-genetic factors is questionable however, well respected and Coalition hair restoration physician Dr. Glenn Charles has seen his patients experience some degree of success.
Rogaine foam and other alternative treatments can be purchased via our hair loss treatment shop.
Best wishes,
Bill – Managing Publisher of this Community
Rogain foam can be purchased via our online
February 29, 2012 @ 2:48 pm
Rogaine Foam is well known solution for hair loss treatment or male pattern baldness. Rogaine Foam contains Minoxidil and the only FDA-approved over-the-counter ingredient clinically proven to regrow hair