Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) – The Next Major Breakthrough in Treating Hair Loss?
Today, physicians and scientists demonstrate that platelet rich plasma (PRP) may actually wake up dormant follicular stem cells and could quite potentially become the next major breakthrough in treating hair loss and growing hair. While some people feel this is yet another marketing attempt to rob balding men and women of their hard earned cash, others are very excited by its potential.
Blood is made from approximately 93% red blood cells (RBC), 1% white blood cells (WBC), 6% platelets, and plasma. When platelets are activated in the body, these sponge-like molecules form branches and release healing proteins called growth factors. Though growth factors have a multitude of responsibilities, the cumulative result is accelerated tissue and wound healing. The basis for the benefit of platelet rich plasma lies in decreasing the RBC count to 5% since they are less useful in the healing process while increasing the platelet count to 94%.
A recent case study on a 26 year old hair loss sufferer suggests that platelet rich plasma can stop and reverse hair miniaturization caused by androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. While this 26 year old patient had hair transplant surgery to recover lost hair in the hairline, his posterior crown was traumatized using a 1 mm micro needling roller and platelet rich plasma injected into the crown. The result suggests that PRP not only stopped hair loss, but reversed miniaturization.
Recently, we polled input from dozens of leading surgeons regarding their opinion and experience with PRP. While most haven’t had the opportunity to experiment with it yet, Coalition members Dr. Jerry Cooley and Dr. Alan Feller are using it in their practice.
The Benefits of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in wound healing and hair transplant graft survival have been described and discussed by Dr. Cooley. See The Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma in Surgical Hair Restoration. Meanwhile, Dr. Feller recently started to experiment with PRP as a hair loss treatment. To learn more about his involvement with PRP and participate in a discussion about it, visit the hair loss forum topic “First platelet rich plasma (PRP) Treatment in New York“. Read the patient’s story by visiting “Consultation and PRP Treatment with Dr. Feller“.
Coalition member Dr. Ron Shapiro is hopeful that PRP will become an effective treatment for baldness however admits that to date there is no empirical evidence to indicate it’s efficacy. Without such evidence, there is only the theory of it working.
Like any other conjectured treatment for baldness, scientists have a long way to go in proving that platelet rich plasma has any real benefit to balding men and women worldwide. At this point, all we can do is wait and watch as research continues on whether or not platelet rich plasma may be the breakthrough us baldies have been waiting for.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: platelet rich plasma, PRP, follicular stem cells, hair loss, growing hair, balding, RBC, hair miniaturization, androgenic alopecia, male pattern baldness, hair transplant, hair loss treatment, hair loss forum, baldness
September 30, 2009 @ 3:58 pm
A handful of hair restoration physicians have begun experimenting with using PRP as a hair loss treatment however, do know that it hasn’t been proven. I believe all of those who are offering it are also charging for it.
You may want to contact Coalition member Dr. Feller in NY. Coalition member Dr. Jerry Cooley uses PRP to aid healing after a hair transplant, but I’m not sure if he’s experimenting with it as a hair loss treatment.
All the Best,
Bill Seemiller
September 30, 2009 @ 3:38 pm
Hook it up, where can I get some injections?