This insightful hair loss article was written by hair restoration forum  member “HLBD”  .
Have  you ever  tried the homeopathy medicine in curing baldness?   I heard it works great and produces decent results as homeopathy by nature doesn’t give any side effects.   Any takes on this or has anyone experienced this type of medicine?

This is a commonly held and widely accepted fallacy. If you put anything in your body, even if “found in nature” that doesn’t occur naturally in the body (even if it is simply at a greater quantity), you risk the chance of side effects. About the only vitamin you can take in major excess without any harmful side effects is Vitamin C. Your body is able to simply absorb the amount of the vitamin it can use and expel the rest – this is why you can take an excess, even 1000% of your daily allowance without causing any harm.

Iron deficiency is the most common mineral deficiency in the developed world and iron poisoning is one of the most common deaths caused by over-supplementation. Even though it’s “from the Earth”, too much iron can cause a side effect of hair loss  and can easily cause death – this is because your body finds it very difficult, if not impossible to expel excessive amounts of heavy minerals from your blood. In fact, one of the most common side effects of ingesting of “natural remedies” is liver damage from the body attempting to expel poisons and excess minerals.

If you knew a little about homeopathy, you’d know that the logic behind homeopathy is to basically poison the body in a very small amount to produce similar symptoms to the disease. One of the most dangerous practices in homeopathy is using excrement and byproducts of diseased animals in “remedies”. No doubt, early practitioners of homeopathy caused more harm than they prevented with this course of “treatment.”

Now, that’s not to say homeopathy has not been correct in some assumptions – it’s through homeopathy that scientists discovered nitroglycerin as a treatment for angina. Still, as my grandfather once told me when teaching me how to fire a rifle, “if you shoot one hundred bullets at a non-moving target, you’ll have to try harder not to hit it at all then have one or more bullets meet their mark.”

The only reason why homeopathy has remained so prevalent is because of its immense popularity in the 1700s and 1800s, when most mainstream therapies including bloodletting, leaches and starvation and had a high fatality rate. Homeopathy, while mostly ineffective, was unlikely to cause (at least as swift) death as these mainstream treatments and so it was considered a good option.

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Bill successfully restored his hair with three hair transplantation procedures. He is now the Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant and the Hair Loss Learning

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  • I am rishabh gaur my age is 17
    And i am suffering from hair loss
    What should i do
    My hairs are disappearing from forehead plz suggest some ways to prevent it
    And which type of medicines should i take
    hameopathic, ayurvedic or other
    Which is best plz tellme

  • I m 30 year old female with alopecia areata since 2.5 years. Since the last 3 months the patch has started expanding. I was using minoxidil n topsor solution but with no result. Plz advise. All my medical tests are normal

  • Kumar,

    I'm not sure if I'm following your question but, as I understand it, you began using a 5% minoxidil product with favorable result. Afterward, it appears to have stopped working and hair loss has resumed. What you have not stated is now long you've been using it at this time.

    It takes a minimum of 3 to 4 months for new hair growth from minoxidil to become visible. During that initial time period, it's not uncommon to see additional shedding. For that reason, we recommend that hair loss sufferers continue to use the product for a minimum of 6 months before assessing their results.

    Remember, minoxidil is not a hair loss cure. For males, it's best to combine minoxidil use with finasteride for the best results. These drugs used in combination offer the best opportunity to retain the hair you have and potentially regrow hair. Even then, you may experience the occasional shed.

    I suggest you continue to use minoxidil for the next 6 months and then reassess your results. You have nothing to lose.


  • sir
    i m using minoxine 5% sol for hair fall stopping but it effect reversly mean hair fall more then before .now what i do still using it or stop using it and upto how much time it wil show result.mea month or 2 ,3 or......?

  • You have no real experience with homeopathy yet you know it doesn't work... can be dangerous... firstly, certainly no pharmaceuticals have proven dangerous have they....?! Homeopathy works amazingly well when you get the right remedy... almost instantaneously... but getting the right remedy is the key... I've been studying it for 20 years and finally understand it, although over the years have seen many miracles...OCD healed, kidney stones disappear rapidly w/o passing, flu gone, on and on and on I could tell of wonderful things I've seen... So quit your lying... and I know you're a liar because if you had an ounce of truth in you would admit that pharmaceuticals have many side effects and dangers...just listen to the TV commercials... how anyone can take them w/the long list of dangers is ridiculous when homeopathy is safe and miraculous... why don't you try some... maybe you'll like it

  • Fozia,

    Altogether, inhaled corticosteroids are not likely to actually cause hair loss. However, if you do have a genetic pre-disposition to alopecia, then the stress your body experiences from chronic asthma may be exacerbating or accelerating the hair loss. However, it's very likely that you were genetically determined to lose this hair either way.

    Regardless, because you are experiencing new hair loss and shedding in the presence of another chronic disease, I highly recommend reviewing the situation with a trusted physician.

    I hope this helps!

    Blake (Future_HT_Doc)
    Editorial Assistant

  • Hello Dr .i m 27 years old i am taking steroids because of asthma alergy .it is cause of hair fall. will u please help me.

  • i am 15 years old(male) and am suffering alopecia areat. its been 3 years and have not found a proper hair is gone from the back but its speeed is very slow as i am stii having my front left after 3 years it stated from a small patch and now it cover 75% of my heads hair. its genetically tranmited from my father but in his case the hair came back in there a cure in homeopathy.

  • Para and S.S.,

    Thank you for sharing these comments.

    Blake (Future_HT_Doc)
    Editorial Assistant

  • Salman,

    First, I did want to clarify something: the individuals answering questions on our network are non-medical hair loss experts, not physicians.

    Second, desloratadine is an allergy medication, and does not work in the same mechanism as finasteride. While some sources are beginning to see a possible correlation between reducing levels of scalp prostaglandins with allergy medications and decreasing hair loss, this theory is still unproven.

    Finasteride, on the other hand, is a tested, proven hair loss medication, and if you're looking for this type of hair restoration, I think you should investigate a finasteride-based therapy.

    Good luck!

    Blake (Future_HT_Doc)
    Editorial Assistant

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