3 ways to deal with having a hair transplant at work

Partial shave:
In some cases, hair transplant patients can conceal any signs of hair transplant surgery by partially shaving the recipient area and keeping the rest of the hair untouched. By styling the hair a certain way, most if not all signs of surgery can be concealed. An example of a style that could be used would be a “side sweep” or “side part”.
Topical hair loss concealer:
Not every hair restoration patient is in a position to grow their hair out. A patient may require a hair transplant mega-session which obligates them to completely shave their head. Depending on how long the patient has before they return to work, there are a few types of hair loss concealers that might work well for them. Two such popular choices include Toppik and DermMatch.
With Toppik, hair fibers are magnetically charged and attach to miniaturized hairs and the fibers bind to each follicle, creating the appearance of fullness. Hard-Packed powder formulas like DermMatch match the color of an individual’s hair to their scalp and minimizes the contrast between scalp and hair. This provides an illusion of denser looking hair.
If a hair transplant patient is returning to work in a week, I might suggest using Dermmatch, because Dermmatch appears works better with short buzzed hair. If the patient has a few weeks off, I recommend using Toppik which is simple to apply and easy to wash off.
Be Honest:
This option may be the least popular but certainly the least troublesome. Being honest and upfront with co-workers highlights a real concern that men around the world go through each day; and that is hair loss.
In conclusion, the majority of people have their own issues and insecurities that cause them to be self conscious. In general, a hair transplant patient may get a few questions regarding their experience. After a period of time, people will move on and in all likelihood forget it all together. Being honest can be very liberating and with so many men suffering with hair loss each day, being honest about your hair transplant may be enough to inspire change in someone’s life.
Written by,
Melvin, Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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